William Wrigley Jr

William Wrigley Jr- "Eventually, I'll make up the cost by taking the smallest possible profit from an increased number of visitors."
I have sometimes been asked what single policy has been most profitable in our business. I have always unhesitatingly answered, restraint in regard to immediate profits. That has not only been our most profitable policy, it has been pretty nearly our only profitable one.
William Wrigley Jr
We don’t want to do business with anybody who loses money on us.
William Wrigley Jr
Eventually, I’ll make up the cost by taking the smallest possible profit from an increased number of visitors.
William Wrigley Jr
A man’s doubts and fears are his worst enemies. He can go ahead and do anything as long as he believed in himself.
William Wrigley Jr
To be always pleasant, always patient, always on time, and never to argue.
William Wrigley Jr
We are a five-cent business, and nobody in this company can ever afford to forget it.
William Wrigley Jr
Tell ‘em quick and tell ‘em often.
William Wrigley Jr
Even in a little thing like a stick of gum, quality is important.
William Wrigley Jr
It’s who you are as an organization that makes everything possible.
William Wrigley Jr
Everybody likes something extra, for nothing.
William Wrigley Jr
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
William Wrigley Jr
Nothing is so much fun as business. I do not expect to do anything but work as long as I can stand up.
William Wrigley Jr
Sticking is one of the big things in salesmanship. Nearly all buyers say “No!” at first. Real salesmen stick until the buyer has used up his last “No!”
William Wrigley Jr
When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary.
William Wrigley Jr
Magnolia Bark is a novel ingredient with strong breath freshening benefits and we are pleased that it is now approved for use in Europe. However we would not routinely provide commentary on our product development plans.
William Wrigley Jr