Philip Kotler

Philip Kotler- “The best way to hold customers is to constantly figure out how to give them more for less.”
Clients like to believe their consultants are thinking about their business. Smart consultants will send occasional articles that they come across that might interest a client. They may go further and send articles that would have more of a personal, non-business interest for the client.
Philip Kotler
Marketing takes a day to learn. Unfortunately it takes a lifetime to master.
Philip Kotler
The best way to hold customers is to constantly figure out how to give them more for less.
Philip Kotler
Consumers believe one another more than they believe in companies. The rise of social media is simply a reflection of the migration of consumers’ trusts from companies to other consumers.
Philip Kotler
The internet will create the winner and bury the laggards.
Philip Kotler
Authentic marketing is not the art of selling what you make but knowing what to make.
Philip Kotler
It is more important to do what is strategically right than what is immediately profitable.
Philip Kotler
It is no longer enough to satisfy your customers. you must delight them.
Philip Kotler
Good companies will meet needs; great companies will create markets.
Philip Kotler
Treat your customers with love and your competitors with respect.
Philip Kotler
There is only one winning strategy. It is to carefully define the target market and direct a superior offering to that target market.
Philip Kotler
While innovation is risky, non-innovation can be fatal.
Philip Kotler
If the marketer does a god job of identifying consumer needs, developing appropriate products, and pricing, distributing, and promoting them effectively, these goods will sell very easily.
Philip Kotler
Marketing is becoming a battle based more on information than on sales power.
Philip Kotler
The future is no ahead of us. It has already happened. Unfortunately it unequally distributed among companies, industries and nations.
Philip Kotler
Marketing is the delivery of experience.
Philip Kotler
The best advertising is done by satisfied customers.
Philip Kotler
The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you are not a brand, you are a commodity. Then price is everything and the low-cost producer is the only winner.
Philip Kotler
The successful salesperson cares first for the customer, second for the products.
Philip Kotler
Today you have to run faster to stay in place.
Philip Kotler
Today´s smart marketers don´t sell products; they sell benefit packages.
Philip Kotler
The marketing organization will have to redefine its role from managing customer interactions to integrating and managing all the company´s customer-facing processes.
Philip Kotler
Too much of today´s marketing is 1P marketing. Companies mainly concentrate on promotion and sales and disregard product, price and place (distribution). This results in ineffective marketing.
Philip Kotler
Competitive advantage is a company´s ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.
Philip Kotler
Establish channels for different target markets and aim for efficiency, control and adaptability.
Philip Kotler
Many businesses are wisely turning their suppliers and distributors into valued partners.
Philip Kotler
Sell value, not price.
Philip Kotler
The key to branding, especially for smaller firms, is to focus on a limited number of issue areas and develop superb expertise in those areas.
Philip Kotler
Every business isa service business. Does your service put a smile on the customer´s face?
Philip Kotler
Building a brand is a roll-out process, not a drop everywhere in the world at one time. The key to brand-building is to have something good that you roll-out in a very intelligent way. Maybe even invisibly for a while because you want to be under the radar screen of competitors.
Philip Kotler
The most important thing is to forecast where customers are moving, and be in front of them.
Philip Kotler
Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.
Philip Kotler
Too often, business leaders confuse high growth with high performance. They may take unwise risks in their businesses to maximize short- or mid-term profitability…
Philip Kotler
The theory of marketing is solid but the practice of marketing leaves much to be desired.
Philip Kotler
Poor firms ignore their competitors; average firms copy their competitors; winning firms lead their competitors.
Philip Kotler
Our job is to wake up the consumers. If we become predictable, that´s not waking them up.
Philip Kotler
We are living in a world that is no longer facing a shortage of goods, but a shortage of customers.
Philip Kotler
Underestimating chaos can lead to strategies that neither defend a company against its vulnerabilities nor allow it to take advantage of the opportunities arising from chaos.
Philip Kotler
Your company does not belong in markets where it cannot be the best.
Philip Kotler
Successful “go-to-market” strategies require integrating retailers, wholesalers, and logistical organizations.
Philip Kotler
In developing countries, the biggest issue of marketing to the poor is access.
Philip Kotler
Don´t buy market share. Figure out how to earn it.
Philip Kotler
Today´s smart marketers don´t sell products; they sell benefit packages. They don´t sell purchase value only; they sell use value.
Philip Kotler
Consultants need to identify the specific clients they want to acquire. Many years ago I told a law firm that it needed to distinguish between ‘soliciting’ for business and ‘positioning’ itself for business. The latter is much better and consists of building a reputation for doing something so well that word of mouth acts as the soliciting force, not sales calls.
Philip Kotler
Who should ultimately design the product? The customer, of course.
Philip Kotler
Watch the product life cycle; but more important, watch the market life cycle.
Philip Kotler
Marketers influence demand by making the product appropriate, attractive, affordable, and easily available to target consumers.
Philip Kotler
With the advent of internet, customers are able to compare prices easily and this has raised the importance of pricing among the 4Ps. That being said, branding is still crucial. Customers will not necessarily go for the cheapest brand. However, they are more likely to buy their preferred brand from the retailer offering the lowest price.
Philip Kotler
The most value is no longer in the developed market but in the developing markets
Philip Kotler
If markets are to be segmented and cultivated, they must meet certain requirements. Segments must be Measurable, Substantial, Accessible, Differentiable, and Actionable.
Philip Kotler
Marketing is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them; it´s the art of demand management.
Philip Kotler
The R&D is farthest away from customers, hence they often get it wrong.
Philip Kotler
These are the three principles of marketing the mission to consumers: business as unusual , a story that moves people, and customer empowerment.
Philip Kotler
Consultants can learn more about marketing by attending short courses on marketing. They can contact a professor of marketing to use as an occasional consultant. They can arrange for class projects under the professor. They can solicit marketing ideas from their advertising agency. Ultimately they may spot an excellent professional marketer and put him or her on retainer.
Philip Kotler
In B-schools most students choose marketing because they did not like accounts.
Philip Kotler
Good customers are an asset which, when well managed and served, will return a handsome lifetime income stream for the company.
Philip Kotler
It has become increasingly important for marketing professionals to speak the language of the CFO. A financial background allows marketers to better quantify the anticipated impact of any campaign, which in turn aids in greater buy-in.
Philip Kotler
Make your business a workshop where your customer can draw what he wants.
Philip Kotler
The main message is the same: A social business enterprise helps people to improve their lives by providing affordable products and income-generating opportunities.
Philip Kotler
Marketing 3.0 is the stage when companies shift from consumer-centricity to human-centricity and where profitability is balanced with corporate responsibility.
Philip Kotler
While the aim of business is to create satisfied customers, the truth is companies continue to lose unsatisfied customers.
Philip Kotler
First, both entities in a partnership should ask themselves whether both of them desire a win-win outcome. Good partnership creates a horizontal relationship, not a vertical one. Each entity should derive an equitable benefit from the collaboration. Second, they should investigate whether both business entities uphold a high quality standard. Companies with the same approach to quality will have a better chance in building partnership. Finally, each business entity should identify its potential partner’s unique values and determine the compatibility with its own unique values.
Philip Kotler
Integrated marketing communications are a way to examine the entire marketing process from the point of view of the receiver.
Philip Kotler
Marketing 3.0 is the era of horizontal communication where vertical control will not work. Only honesty, originality, and authenticity will.
Philip Kotler
Unlike the trendsetter market, which is more emotional and spiritual, the mainstream market is more rational when it comes to buying green products.
Philip Kotler
Because social media is low-cost and bias-free, it will be the future for marketing communications.
Philip Kotler
Instead of treating people simply as consumers, marketers approach them as whole human beings with minds, hearts, and spirits.
Philip Kotler
Companies must now collaborate with their consumers. Collaboration begins when marketing managers listen to the consumers’ voices to understand their minds and capture market insights. A more advanced collaboration takes place when consumers themselves play the key role in creating value through cocreation of products and services.
Philip Kotler
The market for green products and services can be classified into four segments: trendsetters, value-seekers, standard matchers, and cautious buyers.
Philip Kotler
The most important skill is client relationship management. Some people have a natural aptitude for gaining trust and respect from their clients. They are caring and sensitive people, good listeners and learners, and good problem solvers. The firm that hires more of these people will succeed regardless of other things.
Philip Kotler
Marketing 3.0 is marketing that puts cultural issues at the heart of a company’s business model.
Philip Kotler
A consulting firm needs to choose defined areas of expertise and become the best in those areas. The firm should communicate its expertise through written articles, speeches, and exceptional performance. The firm should prepare effective brochures, ads, and other media. They should build a network of referral sources with accountants, lawyers and other professionals.
Philip Kotler
Unlike in Japan where 74 percent of Internet users read blogs, only around 27 percent of Internet users in the United States read blogs.
Philip Kotler
IBM, for example, encourages its employees to create their own blogs where they can talk freely about their company as long as they adhere to certain guidelines. Another example is General Electric, which established a Tweet Squad, a group of young employees who train older employees to use social media.
Philip Kotler
Instead of reducing marketing to advertising and selling, it makes sense to stick to research.
Philip Kotler
As a result of this growing trend in society, consumers are now not only looking for products and services that satisfy their needs but also searching for experiences and business models that touch their spiritual side. Supplying meaning is the future value proposition in marketing. The values-driven business model is the new killer app in Marketing 3.0.
Philip Kotler
It was a signal that the costs of unsustainable practices are getting higher and the only way to reduce them is by going green.
Philip Kotler
Public sector agencies do not have a guaranteed life or funding levels. Like businesses, they must read the landscape of changing forces and technologies; they must think strategically; they must envision new modes of efficiency; they must innovate; they must market their merits.
Philip Kotler